Sudan has a total of 1.9 million km² land area, estimated at 51.5 million cultivatable acres, of which 4.3 million are irrigated. Agriculture plays a significant role in the Sudan economy. 70% of the population is engaged directly or indirectly in this activity.
After the separation of South Sudan, the agricultural sector became important for the development of the country after petroleum exports diminished. simultaneously determines the performance of the domestic economy as well as Sudan’s foreign trade position.
Agriculture in Sudan is divided into two main sectors, the irrigated sector and the rain-fed sector (rain irrigation). The irrigated agriculture is dependent on supplies of water from White and Blue Niles. The traditional/mechanized rain-fed farming is dependent on the rain season and it is located in a broad belt running from the northeastern portion of the country to the south-southwest.
The irrigated sector produces about 95% of the long-stable high-quality cotton, 32% of groundnut, sugar, sorghum, maize, sunflower, wheat, rice and vegetables. On the other hand, the rain-fed sector produces millet, sorghum, hibiscus, watermelon seeds, groundnuts and sesame.
After the end of the rain season (July – October) in Sudan, harvest done in production areas for the most cash crops (Such as Peanuts, Sesame seeds etc.), most of the rain-fed sector crops are available currently on the local markets at top quality, great volume and competitive prices.
Sudan has great agricultural potential, but because of inadequate usage of water sources and transportation difficulties, much of its fertilized land remains unused. Agriculture has a significant role in a country’s development, in terms of exports as well as industrialization. Thus, it can be seen as the wheel for the economic development of Sudan.
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Sudan – Agriculture, forestry, and fishing | Britannica
Challenges for modern agriculture | Syngenta
Irrigation areas in Sudan – Nile Basin Water Resources Atlas
Current Status of Agriculture and Future Challenges in Sudan (